Processi innovativi per la produzione di biocombustibili in bioraffinerie green ed ecosostenibili
Antonio Zuorro - RFID LAB CATTID
(in lingua inglese)
• Are photosynthetic microorganisms capable of accumulating considerable amounts of lipids
• Are capable of synthesizing high added value compounds
• Do not occupy fertile soil and grow in the most variable water media (fresh water, salt water and waste water)
• Growth is non-seasonal
Biorefinery Facility to obtain biofuels, energy and high value products through biomass transformation and process equipment.
Microalgae in biorefinery
• mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
• oil for biofuels
• natural fertilizers
• high value added compounds
• high oil productivity (20%–50% by dry weight basis)
Biodiesel from microalgae
Cell disruption methods
Biological methods: enzymatic pretreatment
Chlorella sorokiniana
Screening of potentially suitable enzyme preparations
Model employed

Fonte: mcT Petrolchimico Roma maggio 2018 L’industria Oil&Gas nell’era del 4.0: efficienza, sicurezza ed energie rinnovabili
Settori: Ambiente, Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Biocarburanti, Bioenergia, Biomasse, Biometano, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energie non rinnovabili, GAS, Inquinamento, Petrolchimico, Rifiuti, Rinnovabili
Parole chiave: Biocarburanti, Biocombustibili, Biodiesel, Biomasse, Bioraffinerie, Oil and Gas, Petrolchimico, Rinnovabili, Trattamento dei Rifiuti
- Davide Di Battista
- ATI Sezione Lombardia
- Giacobbe Braccio