Energie rinnovabili per gli impianti petrolchimici: Bioenergy – Market Opportunities and Technology Status
Alessandro Lepore - Saipem
Salvatore De Rinaldis, Saipem
(in lingua inglese)
Bioenergy is one of the most attractive way to reach the goals in a sustainable manner of all the international agreements about limiting air pollution and GHG emissions.
Both biomass and biofuels combustions are biogenic with slightly / no impact on the CO2 global balance, compared to fossil fuel.
Biomass is a form of primary energy available globally and capable of reducing the amount of soil occupied by landfill sites.
A carbon tax policy will increase the applications of biomass, generating a positive social impact through the creation of local jobs.

Fonte: mcT Petrolchimico Milano novembre 2016 Innovazione e Sostenibilità energetica negli impianti del Petrochimico
Settori: Ambiente, Bioenergia, Biomasse, Cambiamento climatico, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energie non rinnovabili, GAS, Inquinamento, Petrolchimico, Rinnovabili
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
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