Creating Sustainable CO2 Value Chain, Industry 4.0 Opportunities
Salvatore De Rinaldis - Saipem
Francesco Nettuno, Saipem
Alessandro Lepore, Saipem
Alessandro Lepore, Saipem
(in lingua inglese)
- Saipem has the capability in terms of innovation, engineering, construction and installation to take care of the whole EPCI CCUS value chain;
- Proprietary CO2 separation process schemes are under development and will be ready for start up and demonstration testing in 2-3 year time;
- Namely Saipem has executed in the past years a number of different initiatives in terms of studies, Front Ends a EPC projects related to CO2 capture, transportation and injection;
- Synergies with large scale H2 production are envisioned for CCS: SAIPEM offers a single-point responsibility for complex integrated solutions;
- INDUSTRY 4.0 offers opportunities with high economic potential associated with digital interconnection through innovation, efficiency, sustainability, supply chain management and manufacturing.

Fonte: mcT Petrolchimico Milano novembre 2017 Petrolchimico 4.0: tecnologie innovative per la progettazione e la conduzione degli impianti
Settori: Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Cambiamento climatico, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energie non rinnovabili, GAS, Inquinamento, Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
- Best Finishing