Il carburante per il futuro: l'ammoniaca verde come la pista di decollo per l'Energia pulita
Mario Dragoni - Hydep
Presentazione in lingua inglese
The fuel for the future: green ammonia as the runway for clean energy revolution
Maire at a glance
Delivering future-proof plants
Providing tomorrow's technology
Green Ammonia
We are a technology and Engineering Group that develops and implements innovative solutions to enable the Energy Transition.
We offer Sustainable Technology Solutions and Integrated E&C Solutions in nitrogen fertilizers, hydrogen, circular carbon, fuels, chemicals, and polymers.
Delivering future-proof plants
- Front End Engineering Design
- Engineering & Procurement
- Engineering, Procurement & Construction (management)
- Upgrading & Revamping
- Operations & Maintenance
Providing tomorrow's technology
We are set bring to the market a unique combination of H2 production, storage and compression technologies together with digital modeling tools to serve low-carbon and green H2 uses, in the short and long-term.
Green Ammonia
There will be a tremendous increase in green h2 demand in the next decade and beyond
- H2 production is set to increase by 32% and 66% by respectively 2030 and 2035
- Green and blue technologies will be key for the decarbonization of H2 production
- Huge potential for electrolysis market is expected
- We used as reference case the IEA's Announced Pledges Scenario (APS). The APS considers all announced government climate targets and assumes that they are met on time and in full.
Nevertheless, net zero ambitions are not met.
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We offer Sustainable Technology Solutions and Integrated E&C Solutions in nitrogen fertilizers, hydrogen, circular carbon, fuels, chemicals, and polymers.
Delivering future-proof plants
- Front End Engineering Design
- Engineering & Procurement
- Engineering, Procurement & Construction (management)
- Upgrading & Revamping
- Operations & Maintenance
Providing tomorrow's technology
We are set bring to the market a unique combination of H2 production, storage and compression technologies together with digital modeling tools to serve low-carbon and green H2 uses, in the short and long-term.
Green Ammonia
There will be a tremendous increase in green h2 demand in the next decade and beyond
- H2 production is set to increase by 32% and 66% by respectively 2030 and 2035
- Green and blue technologies will be key for the decarbonization of H2 production
- Huge potential for electrolysis market is expected
- We used as reference case the IEA's Announced Pledges Scenario (APS). The APS considers all announced government climate targets and assumes that they are met on time and in full.
Nevertheless, net zero ambitions are not met.
Continued in PDF (Continua nel PDF)

Fonte: Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2024 Idrogeno: scenari, criticità e soluzioni per una transizione smart e resiliente
Settori: Ambiente, Automotive, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Idrogeno, Rinnovabili, Trasporti
Mercati: Trasporti e Automotive
- Max Veronesi