Come ridurre i costi di produzione dell'idrogeno verde: le proposte Hydep
Mario Dragoni - Hydep
(in lingua inglese)
HyDEP srl aims to support those who believe in the green economy, making available the experience and knowledge gained in more than 20y The heart of HyDEP srl is a team of experts, committed to the excellence and innovation on hydrogen
With an active department of R&D, HyDEP srl is focused on the development of reliable, high efficiency, high purity and high-pressure electrolyzer.
HyDEP srl, is investigating High Temperature and Pressure electrolysis,
- SOEC Proton-Conducting Ceramic Electrolytes, to operating at 500°C
- AWL-High Temperature&Pressure, to operating at 200÷350°C
Its diversified product and technology portfolio is suited for a variety of applications such as: backup power, mobility, energy storage and industrial applications.
We are engaged in two projects with the aim to reducing the green hydrogen production cost.
- Electrolysis Costs
- State of Art
Expected 10% BoP cost reduction.
HyDEP solution to the efficiency electrical energy economized.
- SOEC Proton-Conducting Ceramic Electrolytes, to operating at 500°C
- AWL-High Temperature&Pressure, to operating at 200÷350°C
Its diversified product and technology portfolio is suited for a variety of applications such as: backup power, mobility, energy storage and industrial applications.
We are engaged in two projects with the aim to reducing the green hydrogen production cost.
- Electrolysis Costs
- State of Art
Expected 10% BoP cost reduction.
HyDEP solution to the efficiency electrical energy economized.

Fonte: mcT Oil & Gas novembre 2023 workshop
Settori: Ambiente, Chimica, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Idrogeno, Rinnovabili
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
- BRUGG Pipe Systems