Energy recovery and emission reduction: Saipem case studies in industrial plant
Alessandro Lepore - Saipem
Salvatore De Rinaldis, Saipem
(in lingua inglese)
- Saipem has the capability for a focused CO2 management fitted to the entire process from innovation, design, manufacturing and erection
- Adoption of renewable energy in O&G applications
- Optimized solutions for innovative application with commercially proven technology
- No change of industrial process: ENERGY BY-PASS
- Mitigation of environmental impact with consistent reduction of CO2 emissions
- Sustainability as strategic commitment for Saipem

Fonte: mcT Petrolchimico Milano novembre 2015 Tecnologie per il Petrolchimico e per il settore energetico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Petrolchimico, Rinnovabili
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