Submerged vane-attached to the abutment as scour countermeasure
Mahmood Shafai Bejestan - Shahid Chamran University
Kheirollah Khademi, Jundi Shapour Technical University
Hossein Kozeymehnezhad, University of Birjand
Hossein Kozeymehnezhad, University of Birjand
(in lingua inglese)
This paper presented the results of tests conducted on submerged vanes as a countermeasure against abutment scour. Different alternatives for vane positions and angles were tested, and the resultant bed topography or maximum scour depth was compared with the results of tests with no vane. The results revealed that the use of a single submerged vane attached to the upstream nose of an abutment could effectively force the flow to separate from the abutment, causing a reduction in the velocities and shear stress at the abutment and increasing these flow characteristics in the middle of the main channel.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
Settori: Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Upstream
- Franco Hauri
- P.A. (Tony) Enright
- Emerson Process Management