An investigation of tip vortices unsteady interaction for Fokker 29 propeller with swirl recovery vane
Li Qingxi - Polytechnical University Xi’an
(in lingua inglese)
The steady solutions and transient results for the combination of the propeller/swirl recovery vane are compared and good agreement is obtained. Larger fluctuations of thrust coefficient are observed on the stator so that the variations of the total efficiency depend mainly on the stator working performance. The transient surface pressures of the rotor/stator are decomposed into the blade passing frequency and the first three harmonics are presented. The unsteady load of the stator is about ten times that of the rotor. Large changes appear at the vane leading edge due to the potential disturbance as well as the wake effects of the upstream propeller. Much larger fluctuations occur at the vane tip region as a result of the interaction between the rotor/stator tip vortices.

Fonte: Articolo Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2015
Settori: Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Upstream
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