Numerical analysis of slid gate and neyrpic module intakes outflows in unsteady flow conditions
Rasool Ghobadian - Razi University of Kermanshah
(in lingua inglese)
In this paper a computer model has prepared that can be used to operating irrigation networks. This model is able to evaluate the effects of input discharge decrease or increase to the system on intakes discharge. Also this model enables to calculate the reach time and unsteady condition continuity in every intakes location. From this paper the following conclusions can be obtained: without any operation instruction, a 10% decrease in the upstream flow discharge will reduce the discharge of intakes with slid gate and single orifice Neyrpic module 6.17% and 3.04% respectively. Also Flow passing of double orifice Neyrpic module gate will reduce 2.56%.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2014
Settori: Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Upstream
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