Petri nets for fault diagnosis of large power generation station
M.M. Mansour - Ain Shams University
(in lingua inglese)
The operators of power station control room need to a system to aid and support them to make reasonable decisions during critical situations and reducing the delay of restoration after emergency, a simplified Petri nets fault diagnosis system is proposed to deal with a lot of alarms and tripping signals which are sent to the power station control room. The paper proposes a fault diagnosis system based on Petri net for a large power generation station, which includes: generation units, step up power transformers, block bus, station service transformers, autotransformers and station buses.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2013
Settori: Energia, Rete elettrica
Parole chiave: Produzione di energia elettrica
- EBS - Associazione Energia da Biomasse Solide
- Datanetwork
- Lorenzo Cusinato