Il ruolo dell'idrogeno nella transizione energetica
Gianluca Valenti - Politecnico di Milano
(PDF in lingua inglese)
The future of the world: Decarbonization
Hydrogen is a hot topic
- Features
- Production
- Transportation and storage
- Use
- Integration: Power-to-Hydrogen
The decarbonization challenge: reaching "net-zero GHG emissions by 2050"
- Reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide to mitigate the climate change and achieve sustainability
- Reduce the production of local pollutants to increase the quality of population's life
- European Union policy is pushing to achieve important decarbonization goals
- Strategic reduction of the dependency on natural gas, coal and oil, which are not abundant in Europe
Hydrogen basics
- Hydrogen is the simplest and smallest chemical element and molecule
- Hydrogen is the most common element and molecule in nature
-Molecular hydrogen is colourless, odourless and non-toxic
-Highly reactive, so it cannot be found in pure form on Earth
-There is no carbon in the molecule, hence no CO2 emissions at use point
-Thus, it can be used as a carbon free energy vector
Hydrogen features
- Produced in multiple ways
- Versatile
...but challenging to handle
Hydrogen production
- Color
- Technology
- Feedstock
- GHG Emission
The presentation continues with Hydrogen scenario to 2050.
- Reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide to mitigate the climate change and achieve sustainability
- Reduce the production of local pollutants to increase the quality of population's life
- European Union policy is pushing to achieve important decarbonization goals
- Strategic reduction of the dependency on natural gas, coal and oil, which are not abundant in Europe
Hydrogen basics
- Hydrogen is the simplest and smallest chemical element and molecule
- Hydrogen is the most common element and molecule in nature
-Molecular hydrogen is colourless, odourless and non-toxic
-Highly reactive, so it cannot be found in pure form on Earth
-There is no carbon in the molecule, hence no CO2 emissions at use point
-Thus, it can be used as a carbon free energy vector
Hydrogen features
- Produced in multiple ways
- Versatile
...but challenging to handle
Hydrogen production
- Color
- Technology
- Feedstock
- GHG Emission
The presentation continues with Hydrogen scenario to 2050.

Fonte: Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2022 Il ruolo dell'automazione nella filiera dell’idrogeno
Settori: Ambiente, Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Cambiamento climatico, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energia, GAS, Idrogeno, Inquinamento, Rinnovabili, Termotecnica industriale
- mcT ATEX Antincendio
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica