Challenge e soluzioni per l'handover di un progetto oil&gas
A. Topin - Aveva Software Italia
F. Bianchi, AVEVA
(in lingua inglese)
- Providing intuitive, web-based access to a network of inter-linked project / plant information
- Allowing information content of any form and from any source to be captured, organised and interlinked
- Validating the data content managed by the system and identifying any issues affecting its completeness, its correctness, or its consistency

Fonte: Intervento al convegno "Information management & project governance", Sestri Levante, 2014
Settori: GAS, Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Oil and Gas
- Giacomo Mongelli
- Massimiliano Gaffurini