Progettazione tecnologie dell'idrogeno con la simulazione
Progettare le tecnologie dell'idrogeno con la simulazione
Cesare Tozzo - Comsol
Daniele Panfiglio, Comsol
(PDF in lingua inglese)
- Trends in Technologies for the Hydrogen Economy: Electricity production; Hydrogen production; Residential electricity
- The Water Electrolyzer
- The Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Modeling Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, Reformers, Storage, and Sequestration...
- Design All Energy Transfer and Transformation Components
- From Model to Simulation App
- Typical Chemical Processes Involving Hydrogen
- Laminar and Turbulent Flow
- Modeling Strategy for Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
- Porous Catalyst
- Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolyzer
- PEM Water Electrolyzer, results
- PEMFC Model: Thermal Management
- Comparison: Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
- Flexibility for Other Devices
- Live Demo
- Modeling Approach
Multiphysics modeling and simulation are key tools for developing hydrogen devices.
- Apps allow a larger community of scientists and engineers to benefit from high-fidelity multiphysics modeling.
- Collaboration between all functions within product development around models and apps is increasingly important for all industries, especially for designing and optimizing batteries and fuel cells.
In allegato, è possibile scaricare l'atto completo.
- Live Demo
- Modeling Approach
Multiphysics modeling and simulation are key tools for developing hydrogen devices.
- Apps allow a larger community of scientists and engineers to benefit from high-fidelity multiphysics modeling.
- Collaboration between all functions within product development around models and apps is increasingly important for all industries, especially for designing and optimizing batteries and fuel cells.
In allegato, è possibile scaricare l'atto completo.

Fonte: Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2022 Progettare le tecnologie dell’idrogeno con la simulazione
Settori: Chimica, Climatizzazione, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, Elettronica, GAS, Idrogeno, Informatica, Rinnovabili, Software di simulazione, Software industriale
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Celle a combustibile, Elettrolizzatori, Idrogeno, Software di simulazione, Software modellazione, Thermal management
- mcT ATEX Antincendio
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica