PL511 glass reinforced plastic enclosure: sliced design, sliced cost & sliced installation time
(in lingua inglese)
The PL511 is the latest addition to the brand new PL5 range of GRP Increased Safety Enclosures, aimed at reducing purchase cost and installation time. Installing and wiring a small enclosure can be a tedious task, with installation space often at a premium, the process can be slow and hard work. Problems with installation are often exacerbated in cold offshore environments where dexterity is inhibited.

Fonte: Guida Petrolchimico 2017
Settori: Energie non rinnovabili, Petrolchimico
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
Parole chiave: Petrolchimico
- mcT ATEX Antincendio
- Best Finishing