
Articoli, News, PDF, Prodotti, Webinar su Piping

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Articoli e news su Piping

Stefania Scotti - Engimat International

Engimat International Srl: GRAYLOC Clamps as Safer Connectors for Piping in Oil & Gas and Hydrogen Plants

Engimat International Srl is the Italian distributor of GRAYLOC clamps that are connectors for piping and pressure vessels, used in traditional Oil & Gas and Renewable Energies plants. Clamps are safer than common flanges thanks to their special technology, so they are ideal for Hydrogen being highly flammable and whose leaks generate serious fire risks.

Georg Fischer

COOL-FIT 4.0: Stripping and peeling

COOL-FIT 4.0 pipes, fittings and valves can be joined easily and within a few minutes by electrofusion. Our expert is going to show you here how to strip and peel the pipes in preparation

Georg Fischer

COOL-FIT 4.0 - Maximum efficiency and safety

As a complete pre-insulated plastic piping system, COOL-FIT 4.0 from GF Piping Systems optimizes any commercial or industrial refrigeration set-up. Maintenance-free, reliable and highly efficient.

Wika Italia S.r.l. & C.

Nuova valvola a sfera piping per l'industria di processo

WIKA ha lanciato una nuova valvola di intercettazione piping progettata per soddisfare i requisiti dell'industria di processo, in particolare per le applicazioni con gas naturale e sostanze aggressive.

Dehn Italia

DEHN protects Pipelines

Protection solutions for cathodic corrosion protection systems. DEHN protects Pipelines from damage caused by interference voltages.

Piemme Broker


Vantrunk is an internationally renowned manufacturer of engineered cable management products and associated support systems which are suitable for installation in the most extreme of environments. It's trusted and innovative solutions have been serving the Global Energy, Oil and Gas and Industrial Processing sector for over 50 years.

GF Piping Systems - Georg Fischer

GF Piping Systems - Connections for Life

Consentiamo il trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi. Colleghiamo risorse, tecnologia e persone, consentendo un cambiamento positivo per un futuro migliore insieme. La creazione di prodotti e soluzioni intelligenti per ogni applicazione di flusso rende il tuo mondo più connesso.

GF Piping Systems - Georg Fischer

Hycleen Automation System

The Hycleen Automation System from GF Piping Systems offers an ingenious package for the automation of drinking water installations.


TEXPACK Guarnizioni industriali

Texpack produce e commercializza guarnizioni industriali di differente tipologia e misura, per offrire una gamma completa di sistemi di tenuta e prodotti ideali per l'industria navale, petrolchimica, chimica, sicurezza industriale, impianti di cogenerazione e gruppi elettrogeni, skid e piping.


Guarnizioni industriali di differente tipologia e misura

Texpack produce e commercializza guarnizioni industriali di differente tipologia e misura, per offrire una gamma completa di sistemi di tenuta e prodotti ideali per l'industria navale, petrolchimica, chimica, sicurezza industriale, impianti di cogenerazione e gruppi elettrogeni, skid e piping.

Gli ultimi webinar su Piping

Raimondo Fiorino - Georg Fischer

Soluzioni sostenibili per impianti e processi

(Documento in lingua inglese) We are industrial pioneers. GF Corporation. GF Piping Systems. Present and successful across the globe. We create connections for life. We are sustainably managed and our solutions support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). You benefit from our solutions. Benefit from unique solutions for the entire project lifecycle. With suitable systems for your application. Connections for life. Client's benefit from unique sustainable solutions for the entire project lifecycle. Today customers face challenges on using plastic piping system.

Jim Paladino - Berthold Italia

A new innovative technology to identify fluids in real-time and to assist in preventing overfills

(in lingua inglese) A sonic system to identify fluid in pipe without contact whit the product, with the same technologies is possible to have a level switch allarm.

Blair Marshall - Mel Systems

Remote Monitoring for Oil&Gas and Industrial Applications

(in lingua Inglese) Remote monitoring all in one solution for power generators air compressors and cathodic protection for piping

copertina Guida Idrogeno

L'ultima guida in partnership con La Termotecnica

Altri contenuti su Piping

Mauro Bertin - Uniconfort

Casi Applicativi di Cogenerazione

Un impianto di cogenerazione a biomassa è composto da sili di stoccaggio, caldaie, depuratori fumi, piping e turbogeneratori.

Circuito EIOM