Optimum numerical approach of a MSF desalination plant to be supplied by a new specific 650 MW power plant
O.A. Kotb - Hydraulics Research Institute
(in lingua inglese)
A MSF desalination system is designed to be supplied by a 650 MW power plant providing only 385.03 kg/s steam. 66.1% of the total steam prepared by LP section of power plant is considered to be consumed in the MSF desalination plant. The designed MSF desalination system has 28 flashing chambers (3 chambers in heat rejection section and 25 chambers in heat recovery section module) with the same width (22.3 m) and produces 192602.9 ton/d potable water.
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Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2014
Settori: Caldaie e Generatori industriali, Efficienza energetica industriale, Termotecnica industriale
Parole chiave: Recupero calore
- Aprovis Energy Systems